It’s a really fun, exciting, smart and fascinating show set around the US State Department, and the life of these diplomats and ambassadors who we know so little about. It’s a show about people in very powerful positions with important jobs, but they’re really clumsy and doing embarrassing things. It’s got great humour, great drama and such great writing from Debora Cahn.

I just love how human she is, despite the world she finds herself in. Kate is a problem-solver. She’s ruthless at what she does, but she is also uncomfortable in her surroundings.

She’s a fish out of water. She makes mistakes, says or does the wrong thing, and that often causes problems for the people around her, which is part of the reason she has never been the boss. She’s a fascinating character to play.

First of all, it means we must have been doing something right and that people want to see more. Secondly, it means we have done our job in setting up this world no one is supposed to know about. This season is six episodes whereas the last one was eight, so the pace has picked up.

It’s more dynamic. There is so much going on. There is still a lot of that, which I love.

At the end of Season 1, Kate was maybe weighing up her options and deciding which way to go next, but because of what happens to Hal, she has had no choice but to go home and carry on. She is the one making sure everyone is safe. Hal needs her because he knows he can trust her, in the same way Kate needs Hal, despite all th.