CONDOMS should be switched up during long romps, say experts. A UK study, where 500 couples from around the world timed themselves having sex, found rumpy-pumpy takes around five minutes. However, times ranging from 0.

55 seconds to a whopping 44.1 minutes were recorded. Prolonged friction for a longer-than-average sexual encounter can damage those ultra-thin condoms , increasing the risk of breakage.

Sexual health experts suggest switching out your 'rubber' after about 30 minutes of action. And if things are getting particularly steamy and vigorous, you might want to swap even more often. Read more on condoms When used properly, condoms are 98 per cent effective at preventing pregnancy.

But if not used properly, their effectiveness drops. Common mistakes include putting a condom on 'too late' (after the lovemaking has already begun) or having it come off or break during the action. So, make sure to get it right from the start to keep things safe and worry-free.

Most read in Health "It probably comes under the bracket of a good problem to have, but if you've been going for half an hour and aren't ready to stop, change the condom," according to LloydsPharmacy GP Dr Neel Patel. He adds "Friction weakens the condom, increasing the chances of a break. Under 30 minutes and you’re fine.

"Over 30 minutes and it’s best to play safe. "Although, obviously the amount of friction depends on how vigorous your intercourse is." Dr Patel also advises against "double bagging": which is whe.