This year, screened at the Toronto International Film Festival, also known as TIFF. The hotly anticipated titles range from award-season darlings like to incoming streaming-service phenomena like I caught about 20 movies on the ground at this year’s festival, which ran Sept. 5-15, and though I have terrible regrets for missing People’s Choice Award winner and the Pamela Anderson vehicle I’m sure I and the rest of the world will have a chance to see them soon.

I assigned superlatives to nine of the best movies I saw, along with some honorable mentions. Get your watch lists ready — I’ll walk you through them. Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield star as a couple whose is jolted by a cancer diagnosis and feels like it’s constantly running out of time.

Though I knew I’d leave the theater with my heart shredded to pieces, it was worth it to watch these actors put some of life’s biggest and most intimate moments on display. And yes, that makes it into the movie. It’s in theaters Oct.

11. stars Daisy Edgar-Jones and Jacob Elordi as in-laws reckoning with their sexualties and their penchant for gambling. The film follows a genius artist (Adam Driver) who clashes with the mayor of New Rome (Giancarlo Esposito) in his quest to build a utopia, but you’ve probably heard more about the surrounding the movie.

Honestly, don’t even worry about the plot — just brace yourself for the futuristic and dazzling imagery that Francis Ford Coppola of his own money on. It shows! I.