The retail landscape has undergone massive shifts in recent years to adopt self-checkout systems. But major retailers like Walmart, Target, and Dollar General are starting to phase out self-check in some locations because they’ve contributed to higher rates of shoplifting and inventory loss. But is this the beginning of the end for self-checkouts? Some industry experts believe the pull-back is only temporary, and the future for self-checkout is bright — as soon as new technologies begin to be deployed on a large scale.

Two of which are 2D barcodes, similar to QR codes, and RAIN RFID. When combined and supported by industry standards, the technologies may be the secret sauce to the next generation of self-check. 2D barcodes bring new functionality A new form of barcode is on the horizon.

Brands and retailers have been working diligently to create and roll-out standardized 2D barcodes on product packaging that’ll work seamlessly at check-out registers. GS1 is the non-profit behind the barcode standards, and a key goal of the industry collaboration is to show that these QR codes will help brands provide better consumer engagement experiences. Retailers are preparing their technology systems to scan 2D barcodes and ingest the data, an initiative known as Sunrise 2027.

And as part of it, both manufacturers and retailers will transition to 2D barcodes over the next three years. “A key benefit of 2D barcodes is data density and self-correction capabilities, which can enable .