recently released its annual quality metrics report for hospitals in Israel for 2023. This report is published yearly and reflects the level of care in medical centers across Israel for a wide range of life-threatening medical conditions. Dr.

Anat Ekka Zohar initiated the national quality metrics program about 11 years ago. The program's goal is to display the quality of medical care in Israel by measuring various parameters. The program started by examining five metrics, which led to significant improvements in the quality of care.

Over the years, the program has expanded to measure 82 parameters. In the past year, new metrics were introduced in the general medical field, including preventive antibiotic treatment for knee or hip replacement surgeries, chemotherapy treatment for colon cancer patients, vascular physician consultation before diabetic foot amputation, and telephone guidance for performing CPR. Unlike previous years, the ministry decided not to give an overall score to hospitals this year after complaints that these scores damage their reputation and do not reflect the variance in the scores of the many parameters examined.

Therefore, the scores for each test parameter were published separately. Emergency Rooms: The health ministry set a target for triage speed: the nurse check-up time in the from arrival should not exceed 12 minutes. The fastest hospital is Laniado Hospital in Netanya, where the average triage time is 4 minutes.

Other top hospitals for emergency.