Clash between church and masqurede It was the annual thanksgiving and public celebration of the Biblical ancient Ark of Covenant, (otherwise known as the Apoti Eri and one of the distinct features of the Cherubim and Seraphim church), in Tuube village, in the Ipokia area of Ogun State. The year 2024 annual thanksgiving for the Apoti Eri was a seven-day event that started with a week seclusion by the prophet and those to carry the wooden box. It was followed by another one week revival inside the church.

On the last day of the revival, members and leaders of the church would proceed round the town with the Apoti Eri. Four hefty, fierce looking men, who have observed the seclusion were the chosen ones to carry the Apoti Eri on their shoulders, two at the front and two at the back, with members beating drums, singing and clapping while following behind. As the procession was ongoing, people of the town would say their prayers as the wooden box (Apoti Eri) was carried past their frontage.

They said their prayers and threw money at the Ark, believing that their prayers would be answered. It is the church’s annual event that usually welcomed many important dignitaries from all over the world, including, the Eris born into Cherubim and Seraphim. The Eris are children born and named by the church.

They are either conceived during the month of the Ark of Covenant, or born during the thanksgiving ceremony. They are usually named like: Eritomiwa, Eritosin, Erijesu, Eriseun, Erisimiwa,.