In 800 BC there was immense corruption in Israel. That country, which was born of God through Abraham, Isaac, and the prophets and elders such as Moses, Elijah, and Jeremiah. Israel was so beautiful, so powerful, so just, and merciful but became corrupt and desired expansion in neighbouring lands and precious treasures of gold, silver and diamonds.

There was the old king Uzziah who worshipped the one true God, Yahweh. He taught moderation, goodness and kindness, justice and charity for all the nation. He prospered while taking care to help the poor of the nation.

The old king Uzziah died pronouncing to his son in the royal court that they must not become selfish and seek to expand by warring against and conquering the neighbouring countries. The prophet Isaiah strongly recommended that Israel remain peaceful and be of help to other nations if they developed their people in kindness and justice. Ahaz wanted war, he wanted the land of other nations.

Money! Money! Money! Me! Me! Me! For me, myself and I! There was never enough money and power for the young king, like so many rich and powerful people in our times. The old king, the young king, good against evil; the old generation against the new generation. The rich exploiting the poor.

The production Isaiah dramatically portrays in the first-ever Jamaican operatic production in reggae style music, how love and truth overcome selfishness and lies. It is beautifully performed with dance, acting, and music. It will warm and satisf.