MANY types of spots can appear on your face, from acne to single pimples. Most are non-dangerous , but with our face, being the most exposed part of the body and particularly vulnerable to harmful UV rays , it’s important to recognise the signs of something more sinister. Dr Susan Mayou, consultant dermatologist at the Cadogan Clinic said there are several key indicators the spot on your face could be cancerous.

1. Asymmetry This is a primary sign, according to Dr Mayou. She explained: “This is when one half of the spot doesn’t match the other half.

” 2. Irregular borders A spot with misshapen borders could be a telltale sign. Read more on skin cancer Dr Mayou said: “Borders that are irregular, scalloped or poorly defined are another concern.

” 3. Colour variation If there’s colour variation within the spot, this could be cause for concern, said Dr Mayou. She added: “A spot with multiple hues or uneven pigmentation can also be a red flag.

” 4. Larger than 6mm in diameter A spot, about the size of a pencil eraser, could be a sign. Most read in Health Dr Mayou said: “If the spot is larger than 6mm in diameter or shows changes in size, shape, colour or elevation over time, it may be cause for concern.

” 5. Bleeding In many cases, bleeding rings alarm bells. Dr Mayou added: “If the spot starts to bleed, ooze or causes itching or pain, these are important symptoms to note.

” Skin cancer can develop anywhere on the face, but it’s most commonly found in certai.