Gautam Adani, the Chairman of the Adani Group, clarified to the media during his visit to the Maha Kumbh Mela 2025 Tuesday (January 21) in Prayagraj that his younger son's wedding will be a simple and traditional affair. This statement comes amidst widespread speculation on social media about the event. There had been unverified reports suggesting that global pop sensation Taylor Swift would perform at the wedding.

Additionally, it was rumored that top chefs from around the world would be arriving in Ahmedabad for the ceremony, which was speculated to feature high-tech integrations and a fleet of luxury cars to ferry guests. However, Gautam Adani dismissed all these rumors during his interaction with the media. He stated, "Jeet’s wedding is on the 7th of February.

Our way of life is like that of common people. Jeet’s wedding will be very traditional, conducted in a very simple manner," as quoted by ANI. When asked whether celebrities might attend the wedding, he firmly replied, "No, not at all," reiterating that the ceremony would be "very traditional, with only family members in attendance.

" Adani also mentioned that his son, Jeet Adani, had accompanied him to the Maha Kumbh Mela to seek the blessings of Ma Ganga ahead of the wedding. He clarified that no top Hollywood stars would be attending the ceremony. Who is Jeet Adani?Jeet Adani, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, also completed the Owner/President Management.