Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa, who is currently lodged in Bengaluru's Parappana Agrahara Central Prison in connection with the Renukaswamy murder case, was seen getting VIP treatment inside the jail in a picture that has gone viral on social media. A photograph allegedly shows the actor sitting casually on a chair with a cigarette and coffee cup, enjoying an open space with three other people. Reports suggest that those pictured with Darshan include rowdy sheeter Wilson Garden Naga, along with inmates Nagaraj (the actor's manager and co-accused) and Kulla Seena.

Additionally, a video purportedly showing Darshan making a video call has also surfaced. There has been no official confirmation yet regarding whether the purported photo and video of Darshan Thoogudeepa were taken within the jail premises, from an earlier time, or if they are doctored material. In response to the picture, Renukaswamy's father, Kashinath S Shivanagowdru, has called for an investigation into the matter and for those responsible to be held accountable.

He expressed concerns that the situation might warrant a CBI probe. "Looking at the picture I'm surprised to see him (Darshan) with others holding a cigarette and drinking tea. We get a doubt whether he is in jail or not.

Jail should be a jail and should not become something else. He should be treated like other normal prisoners, but here it looks like he seems to be sitting in a resort," he told reporters in the district headquarters town of Chitradu.