As a frequent visitor of theme parks and CinemaBlend’s resident theme park expert, I spend a lot of time, and a lot of money, inside parks. Theme parks are certainly expensive places, but I don’t mind spending money as long as I feel like I’m getting something for that money that I can’t get elsewhere. Some of the best food at Disneyland can’t be found anywhere else, so it’s worth it to me.

But when it comes to theme parks charging for things like skipping lines, I’m never quite so sure. At this point, every theme park has some sort of line-skipping option, and they all cost money. Disneyland and Walt Disney World were among the last to charge for such a service, and while it’s annoying as hell to have to pay for something that used to be free , the ultimate question is, is it worth it to spend the money? Does the product provide the value it promises? Having recently returned from a Disneyland vacation where I used the Lightning Lane Multi-Pass for two adults and a child (with a toddler in tow), I can now answer that.

The Short Answer At around $30 per person per day, buying the Lightning Lane Multi-Pass for a family can equal the cost of an additional ticket to the park. However, the simple fact is that the product does what it’s advertised to do. So if your goal is to ride as many of the best rides at Disneyland in one day as possible, Lightning Lane is the way to go.

The Long Answer Of course, there’s a bit more to it than that. Simply spending the mon.