There has been a lot of discussion recently about Suga’s drunk driving incident, raising the question of whether the global K-pop star deserves the level of criticism he has received. Opinions on the issue are particularly divided among local and international fans of Army, BTS’ dedicated fanbase. Suga drove an electric scooter under the influence of alcohol, registering the highest blood alcohol concentration level ever reported in a DUI (driving under the influence) case involving K-pop singers.

Police confirmed Suga’s BAC as 0.227 percent, far exceeding the second highest, Kangta of H.O.

T., at 0.102 percent, and the third highest, Shin Hye-sung of Shinhwa, at 0.

097 percent. Some international fans argue that Suga’s case is different because he was riding an electric scooter under the influence, not a car. However, under Korea's Road Traffic Act, electric scooters -- not to be confused with electric kick scooters -- are classified as vehicles and are therefore subject to the same penalties as those who drive cars under the influence.

Music critic Kim Do-heon suggests that the differing perspectives on DUI cases held by those in Korea and other countries, coupled with the application of high moral and ethical standards on celebrities, contribute to the divide on the issue. “Until recently, Korea was relatively lenient on drunk driving. However, with the increasing number of (high profile) drunk driving incidents in the country and the renewed attention to the secon.