You do it with soft drinks, iced tea, water and all sorts of summer cocktails. So why do wine snobs turn up their noses when they see you adding a few cubes to a warm glass of rosé? There are some logical reasons given by true oenophiles, but there’s also a changing wine culture that rules it to be acceptable, at least in some more relaxed circles. Before you get too heavy-handed with the Sonic-style nuggets in the chardonnay, it might help to realize the “why” behind the long-standing edict of serving wine only at a prescribed temperature.

, a winemaker for Avaline Wine, offered this explanation: “Ice does change the character of wine in many ways. It can alter the mouthfeel by diluting the alcohol, modify the acidity by increasing the pH and, of course, it can dilute the flavors. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it does change the wine from the vision the winemaker had on bottling day.

” Even with that proviso, Herzberg feels it’s time to remove the stigma. “The beauty and drawback of something with as much history as wine is all the perceived etiquette that comes along with it,” she said. “The rules are too rigid, and we should be able to be more creative and tailor a drinking experience to our own preferences.

” While water molecules dilute alcohol and flavors, there are other ways ice can affect the beverage, according to , certified sommelier and director of training and cellar master at Waters Edge Wineries. “Temperatures cooler than a wi.