(ZENIT News / Vatican City, 08.25.2024).

- Around 12,000 people listened to Pope Francis’ Sunday address in St. Peter’s Square at noon on Sunday, August 25th. As usual, the Pope appeared at the window of the Apostolic Palace overlooking St.

Peter’s Square, and after his address, he led the Angelus prayer. Below, we offer the English translation of the Pope’s words: *** Today the Gospel of the liturgy ( Jn 6:60-69) relates to us the famous response of Saint Peter, who says to Jesus: «Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life.» ( Jn 6:68).

It is a very beautiful expression that gives witness to the friendship and manifests the trust that bind him to Christ, along with the other disciples. «Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life.» Beautiful.

Peter speaks these words at a critical moment. Jesus has just finished a discourse in which he said he was the «bread come down from heaven» ( cf. Jn 6:41).

It is a difficult language for people to understand and many, even disciples who were following Him, abandon Him because they did not understand. The Twelve, however, remained with Him. They stayed because in Him they found «words of eternal life.

» They heard Him preach, they saw the miracles He performed, and they continue to share with Him public moments and the intimacy of daily life ( cf. Mk 3:7-19). The disciples do not always understand what the Master says and does.

At times they struggle to accept the paradoxes of His love ( c.