Q: The Catholic Church has many miracles that no other religion has, miracles like healings, apparitions, stigmata, incorruptibles, bi-locations, floating, reading minds, along with many Eucharistic miracles. What other faith had received so many blessings by God as an indication of what to believe? Is there anything else he must do to win you over? – (From J in Raleigh, North Carolina) A: Thanks for your interest in converting me, J, but you don't really want me. As Father Tom said, "Marc, you are too much of a complainer to convert.

" Seriously, J, you raise an important question about our recent discussion about God winks, which are specific communications to a single living person from a single dead person. A miracle is a communication to a group of people. A God wink may not involve a violation of the laws of nature but biblical miracles always do.

Finally, biblical miracles are used to validate religious beliefs and often the authority of the prophet or messiah. God winks almost always are simple messages or wordless signs that the loved one is OK and that death is not the end of us or our love. Einstein said that we have two choices in how we see the world.

We can see nothing as a miracle or we can see everything as a miracle. Many people never receive a God wink because they just can't believe that some experiences are signs from beyond the grave. Their rationalism has narrowed their spiritual horizons.

However, and I must make clear that this is also true, some peop.