Summary Egypt and Britain advised airlines to avoid Iranian and Lebanese airspaces due to growing tensions in the Middle East. Airlines are rerouting flights to avoid Iran and Lebanon, while some suspended services to Israel. Major carriers like Lufthansa and US airlines have extended flight suspensions to Tel Aviv amid security concerns.

As tensions in the Middle East continue to grow, some airlines have been forced to avoid Iranian and Lebanese airspaces as a cautionary measure. Meanwhile, several international carriers have suspended flights to Israel again. Notice to avoid Iran's airspace Amid fears of a wider regional conflict, Britain and Egypt asked their airlines to avoid flying over Lebanon and Iran on Thursday, August 8.

The British advisory came after Egypt instructed its carriers to avoid flying over Iran for up to three hours on Thursday morning. Although the country's major carriers, including Egyptair, have already been avoiding Iran, the directive applied to all operators, including charters and smaller airlines. A NOTAM issued by Egyptian authorities said the instruction would be effective from 01:00 to 04:00 GMT.

"All Egyptian carriers shall avoid overflying Tehran (Flight Information Region). No flight plan will be accepted overflying such territory." According to Firstpost , Tehran had sent a cautionary notice asking Egypt to avoid the country's airspace between 04:30 and 07:30 local time.

Reuters reported that a statement from the ministry came after stat.