Police are continuing to investigate an outbreak of disorder in Rochdale after three men have been charged. Greater Manchester Police (GMP) says it is still investigating the disorder which took place outside Rochdale Police Station on Thursday, July 25. The disorder took place after an incident at Manchester Airport two days earlier.

Video from the airport which was widely circulated on social media showed a police officer kick and appear to stamp on the head of Fahir Amaaz, 19, as he and his brother Muhammad Amaad, 25, both from Rochdale, were restrained by officers. More footage emerged days later which showed the immediate lead-up to the incident on Tuesday, July 23, including when two female police officers were hit to the ground before Mr Amaaz was incapacitated with a Taser. The force have charged three men in connection with the disorder at Rochdale Police Station, including Oldham man, Nadeem Aslam of Hardy Street, Glodwick, who appeared at Manchester Magistrates' Court on Tuesday, August 13.

The 31-year-old is alleged to have been "making gun gestures" and encouraging people to join violent disorder by uploading videos onto TikTok of protests over the airport incident. Prosecutor Suzanne Ludlow told the court that Aslam, 31, was seen on CCTV “making gun gestures” and alleged that by uploading footage to TikTok, he had “encouraged other people to continue with the violence and disorder". Defending, Naila Akhtar said that Aslam attended the protest because he wa.