Capitalism is the greatest engine of growth known to mankind. The very essence of capitalism is greed for making money via sale of products and services. We humans are wired for greed for making money and building wealth.

A well-functioning requires healthy competition and never crony capitalism, the likes of which we witness mostly in the developing world like Sri Lanka and many more .laying the foundation for corruptions. Indeed, this crony capitalism exists even in richer democracies where anti-trust laws are weak or non-existent and poorly drafted constitutions and laws enable it.

The alternate economic system that was introduced to the word in the 19th century by via his book, was to limit all production activities of goods and services to be done by the government. While this economic model gathered steam after Vladimir Lenin and later mass killer Joseph Stalin in Russia who spearheaded expansion of this most brutal system by force throughout Eastern Europe. Marx’s centrally controlled economic model was a total failure.

Marx’s theory was that such an economic system would create a just society with wealth being distributed equally but instead it created poverty , shortages of essentials, inefficient management and eventual collapse. Take Cuba for example. By late 1980’s, led by reformist Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev this inefficient system eventually had a painful death across eastern Europe.

Only isolated Cuba and possibly one nor two nations still remain.