A playboy can play the field forever or till his penis drops off, or whichever one comes first. A play-girl? No she must retire quickly, indeed, before everyone notices what she does for a living. A playgirl, a runs-girl, a courtesan or a high class call girl must know when to stop.

Only dumb girls play the field endlessly. Is any playgirl reading this? Or is someone reading this who knows a playgirl? Pull her ears and tell her to pull back. A girl is expecting to be cool and good.

This society, indeed, the African society does not take kindly to bad girls, even when it is the society that made them bad. Girls are not just expected to become playgirls just because life is tough. We are supposed to be as strong if not stronger than our mothers.

It does not matter that the societyook the other way when it pats men on the back for being able to pay for thei ‘playthings’ , women still get blamed for the badness of everybody involved. And there are many people involved in the making of a playgirl or runs-girl. Yeah, like her parents who accept food items and gifts from their unemployed 18-year-old daughter.

So, is today about call girls and play things? Well, not totally. But it is about when to stop doing what is bad because it is time to try a good one. That a path is familiar and easy ride does not mean it will take you to a beautiful destination.

Living a soft life is nice and cozy but it does not mean it is a good thing. Actually, soft life doesn’t last forever for girl.