Driven by chaos and boundless expression, House Of Protection is a haven for anyone who embraces spontaneity. The latest project from Stephen Harrison and Aric Improta, the two musicians were drawn to sonic extremes long before their shared tenure in Fever 333 . Spending long drives discussing their favourite bands, career aspirations, and their shared appreciation for artists unafraid to try something new, years of tour bus chats unknowingly laid the foundation for a new beginning.

Tired of pushing against creative barriers, upon their joint departure from their former project they set out to recapture the innocent joy of their earliest musical experiences, forging a project built on the desire to create a safe space for all ideas – no matter how unconventional. Tearing up the blueprint and thriving in the margins, the duo’s embrace of risks has led them to House Of Protection. Blending hardcore, electronica, and punk in abrasive yet beautiful style, their opening statement comes in the form of experimental debut EP ‘Galore’.

A six-song introduction to their vision created alongside close friends Jordan Fish ( Bring Me The Horizon ) and Nick DePirro ( Night Verses ), the duo are coming out swinging. To find out more about the project’s inception and the duo’s future plans, Rock Sound sat down with Stephen and Aric..

. ROCK SOUND: You’ve been in other musical projects before, both separately and together, but what sparked the idea to collaborate on something new?.