InterTalent has signed “Gywneth Goes Skiing” creators Awkward Productions. Comprised of actors, writers and producers Joseph Martin and Linus Karp, Awkward Productions is the force behind one of last year’s most viral indie stage shows , “Gwyneth Goes Skiing.” The music-infused play is an interactive comedic retelling of the lawsuit between actor Gwyneth Paltrow and ophthalmologist Terry Sanderson following a ski accident in Utah.

The trial, which was televised, prompted thousands of articles, memes and commentary from everything about Paltrow’s courtroom wardrobe (dubbed “quiet luxury”) to her final statement after winning the suit, when she told Sanderson: “I wish you well.” “I Wish You Well” is one of a number of original songs in “Gwyneth Goes Skiing.” Karp plays Paltrow in the show while Martin plays Sanderson.

Members of the audience are also invited on stage to take up various roles, including that of Sanderson’s girlfriend. Other stage shows from Awkward Productions include “Diana: The Untold and Untrue Story,” inspired by Princess Diana, which sees Karp play the tragic royal. “Gwyneth Goes Skiing” and “Diana: The Untold and Untrue Story” are both currently running in Edinburgh with “Gwyneth” set to tour across the U.

K. this fall before returning to the Pleasance London in time for Christmas. The show has already had two-sell out London runs and a U.

S. transfer. “We are beyond excited to work with Awkward Productions, wh.