A study by the World Health Organization found that working 55 hours or more per week is associated with a 35% higher risk of stroke and a 17% higher risk of dying from heart disease compared to a standard 35-40 hour workweek. Today, our youth are more ambitious than ever, driven by dreams of success, financial freedom, and making an impact, especially through the start-up culture. Young people are diving headfirst into entrepreneurship, willing to put in long hours to turn their innovative ideas into reality.

However, in the relentless pursuit of these goals, they’re clocking in longer hours than any generation before them. The rise of the hustle culture has made 14-hour workdays a norm rather than an exception. But at what cost? The truth is, while our young people are pushing the boundaries of productivity, they are also unknowingly putting their health and lives at risk as shared by Priyamvada S, Lifestyle coach.

● The Hidden Cost of Overwork: Your Mental Health You might think you’re managing just fine, but the truth is, you’re doing it wrong with your mental health, and you don’t even know it. The problem isn’t just the long hours; it’s how you’re reacting to the stress they are bringing. Most people wait until life becomes unbearable before addressing their mental health.

They wait for burnout, depression, or anxiety to take over, then try to fix the problem. This reactive approach is not only ineffective but also dangerous. ● Reactive vs.
