Mumbai: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has teamed up with famous director AR Murugadoss for an exciting new action film called Sikandar. The filming began in June this year, and fans are already eagerly waiting for more news about the movie. The first part of the shoot is said to have been completed already by July 1st.

It has now been revealed that Salman Khan will be playing two different roles in Sikandar, which adds an interesting twist to the story. His character in the movie leads a double life—one as a kind-hearted philanthropist and another with a rough and challenging past. A post shared by Salman Khan (@beingsalmankhan) The film’s production team is preparing for a big action scene that will be shot on August 22nd.

For this, they have ordered about 10,000 pistols and bullets. This scene is part of a 40-day shoot and is expected to be one of the most thrilling parts of the movie. The director wants to create an action-packed film that also shows the lead character as someone with a good heart, despite his past.

Salman Khan has been fully focused on Sikandar, even stepping away from other projects to give his best to this film. He has also decided not to host the OTT version of Bigg Boss 3 to concentrate on this project. The actor shared a photo from the Sikandar set, which quickly went viral.

Fans are excited and can’t wait for the movie’s release. Sikandar marks AR Murugadoss’s return to Bollywood after an eight-year break since his last film, Akira, in 2.