Rio de Janeiro, July 13: After evading law enforcement for two years, Brazilian drug lord Ronald Roland was finally arrested when his wife, Andrezza de Lima, inadvertently revealed their location through an Instagram post. Roland, who had strong connections with Mexican drug cartels and allegedly laundered USD 900 million over the past five years, was captured following the social media slip-up. De Lima, owner of a bikini shop, tagged their lunch location on Instagram, unwittingly leading police to their hideout.

This is not the first time social media posts have led to Roland's arrest, reported Metro . In 2019, his ex-wife similarly revealed their location through a post, resulting in his capture. Brazil Shocker: Teenager Shoots Parents, Sister Dead for Snatching Away His Mobile Phone .

Ricardo Ruiz, a federal police officer, highlighted the suspicious nature of their wealth, stating, “There are ads for bikinis, but whether the bikinis were enough to buy multi-million dollar aircraft or luxury vehicles is another question.” He added, “We found partners of companies, for example, who work in a restaurant, but who are partners in several companies that moved tens of millions of reals.” Brazil Horror: Woman Brings 'Dead' Uncle Into Bank To Sign Off Loan in Rio de Janeiro, Arrested .

Roland, 50, was a cautious operator, often changing locations and maintaining a low profile. Despite his efforts, numerous operations by the federal police and the U.S.

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