Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Getty Images for WIRED In a recent statement Instagram head Adam Mosseri declared that the platform would not be pursuing long-form video content. This decision stands in stark contrast to competitor TikTok's recent moves to expand into longer videos, setting the stage for an intriguing battle. Mosseri's Stand on Short-Form Content Addressing a question from a creator asking whether Instagram would focus more on long-form video anytime soon, Mosseri was unequivocal in his response.

"The answer is no," he stated, before delving into the rationale behind this strategic decision. Mosseri explained that Instagram's core focus revolves around two primary functions: "One: connecting you with friends. Two: helping you explore your interests, usually through shortfrom video.

" He emphasized the symbiotic relationship between these elements, stating, "You see an amazing video that makes you laugh out loud from a comedian doing a bit, and you send it to someone who you know is going to laugh just as loud as you did." Forbes Digital Doppelgangers: Instagram Tests Creator-Made AI Clones By This interaction, according to Mosseri, is at the heart of Instagram's identity. He argued that long-form video could potentially undermine this core function: "If you watch a 10- or 20-minute video, you see less content from friends, you interact with your friends less, and you're actually less likely to send that content or.