Ahead of this year’s , many anticipate the gifts they might receive and presents they’re planning to give in . It’s commonplace for to bring artifacts and gifts for fellow attendees at the event. Usually what people choose to share with others at gives insight into their ways of life, spiritual beliefs, and customs.

Gift-giving is held on the playa, but other than having a designated spot the custom is pretty informal, and often spontaneous. The gift-giving aspect of Burning Man is what most look forward to given how wild and memorable the offerings can be. In a thread on Reddit, past and future attendees discussed the kind of gifts they gave and got at Burning Man as they compared their experience to others.

“Back in 2013 (maybe 2012), I f----- up the timing for my return home and was going to get f----- at work; someone gifted me a flight home. Amazing,” one wrote in the forum. Another shared: “In my first year, while exploring the Man structure, a kind older woman approached me, and we had a lovely conversation.

She shared that she’d been coming to Burning Man for over 20 years and that her camp creates jewelry from recycled metal. When I mentioned it was my first year, she took off her earring, shaped like the Man, and gifted it to me. To this day, I still wear that earring.

” A third sweetly wrote: “I was proposed to! We were dancing in this pirate bar and a guy was fully doing a bit like way over acting flirting with me and my teenage theater kid self w.