Why go here? The real question is, why would you not go here? If the pursuit of longevity in the most luxurious of surroundings is high on the agenda, then is the place for you. It’s an urban medi-spa that, in the words of its creative director, Inge Theron, “is the stop gap before going to the doctor. It’s the front line of medicine and wellbeing, with smart functional doctors that see things in a new way.

Clubs like ours have a responsibility to help you fine-tune your wellbeing. You can’t just win on the hardware and the gadgets, the science has to match up and the programming has to work.” What’s the vibe? Surrenne is a members club with a hefty price tag, but what membership unlocks is more than worth its weight in wellness gold.

Upon signing up, you will have access to wellbeing on tap, including a dedicated doctor focused on functional diagnostics ranging from blood work to cardiovascular and hormone tests, to microbiome mapping and epigenetic testing. The café has a juice and food menu developed by nutritionist , and the space hosts ’s first London workout studio and a state-of-the-art gym. Weather permitting, wild swimming in the nearby Serpentine lake and run clubs in Hyde Park are an extension of its offerings.

Little luxury touches feature throughout: the lap pool has an underwater sound system that will play podcasts or meditation music while you swim, and the neuroscientist-curated music piped throughout the space will purportedly induce calm. (A.