Eerie pictures have captured the mouldering remains of the “haunted” funeral parlour where the body of famous magician Harry Houdini was embalmed. An urban explorer named Dave, who goes by the online handle Freaktography, said he found the time capsule after doing online research. The Hungarian-American artist and illusionist Houdini rose to fame for his incredible stunt performances and escape acts.

He became one of the world ’s most popular entertainers, rising to fame in 1899 and wowing audiences until his untimely death. "Back on 22 October 1926, Harry Houdini was in Montreal, Quebec for some shows," Dave, from Canada, said. Houdini had long claimed he had a superhuman ability to sustain any punch to the stomach, due to his unimaginably strong abdominal muscles.

"He was approached by a student of McGill University, who wanted to punch him in the stomach. He accepted the challenge, however, before he was able to stand up and brace himself - the student wound up and punched Houdini in the abdomen four to five times." "The punch didn't do any immediate or obvious harm and he proceeded to perform shows before heading to Detroit for another series of performances.

However, on his way to Detroit, he complained of stomach cramps, discomfort and pain, which turned severe with cold sweats and fatigue. "It was suspected that he had appendicitis. Harry insisted on doing his show on 24 October, struggled through and collapsed to the floor as the curtain dropped.

"He was taken t.