Gabby Logan was a contestant in an Irish pageant back in 1991 (Image: Getty) Gabby Logan once represented Leeds in the annual Rose of Tralee contest in Co Kerry, Ireland. Running for 65 years the beauty pageant partly inspired the infamous Lovely Girls competition which featured in Channel 4 's sitcom Father Ted. Cities all over the world select a woman of Irish birth or ancestry to represent them in the famously wholesome competition.

BBC Olympics commentator Gabby, who competed under her maiden name Yorath, qualified thanks to Irish ancestry on her mother's side of the family. In footage available on YouTube she can be seen in a six-minute interview with the live show host, legendary late Irish broadcaster Gay Byrne. Wearing a very conservative red ballgown her curly blonde hair is styled off her face.

During their chat, she discusses the sciatica that put an end to her rhythmic gymnastics career describing it as a "sad-ish" story. She also admits her ambition is to be a TV presenter telling the host she wants his job. function loadOvpScript(){let el=document.





