The Suva City Council’s 2024-2025 budget will include the refurbishment of its operational buildings and properties as part of the city beautification initiative. Council special administrators’ chairman Tevita Boseiwaqa said it was important to set a standard for a beautiful and happy Suva. “This year will be more or less internal, so we are looking internally now to make sure the standards are upgraded,” said Mr Boseiwaqa.

“For this fiscal year we are trying to start from Jerusalem, and we will clean up first from home.” Mr Boseiwaqa said they would refurbish most of their properties, including the SCC building and the Civic Tower, markets and Thurston Garden. He said not only would they be maintaining property but also the financial integrity of the SCC.

“There are quite a few gaps or loopholes to be patched before we move out, before expanding. “For example, we just moved into having sound financial management because that is required and is the key responsibility of the special administrators. “We have seen that so much was being spent on operational areas, like overtime, so we are working on that, and we are controlling that, and we are saving a substantial amount.

“There’s a drop of what used to be given before when the overtime was not controlled, and now that it’s controlled, we are saving about $25,000 to $30,000 a week.”.