Mumbai: Social media influencer Priya Singh fell while retrieving her bag from a SUV, joint commissioner of police (crime), Thane, told Bombay high court in relation to a Dec 11 incident on Ghodbunder Road. Singh had alleged that Ashwajit, son of senior bureaucrat Anilkumar Gaikwad, had instructed a friend to run the vehicle over her. "During the course of the investigation, it is revealed that the informant fell down at the time of taking her belongings from the vehicle.

..," Dnyaneshwar Chavan stated in his affidavit submitted to Justices Ajay Gadkari and Neela Gokhale on Sept 11.

Ashwajit moved HC to quash the FIR against him under Indian Penal Code sections 279 (rash driving), 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), and 338 (causing grievous hurt). Priya moved HC to add sections including 307 (attempt to murder) and 376 (rape) and to transfer the investigation to any other agency. On June 14, the judges took note that the investigating officer had "till date" not recorded Priya's statement.

They were "startled" that the case diary mentioned that a report has to be sent to the Motor Accident Claim Tribunal (MACT), and Singh's Aadhaar card, bank passbook and other documents are necessary. They said the investigating officer (IO) Vishal Rumane of Kasarvadavali police station "is not conversant with the provisions of CrPC (Criminal Procedure Code)". They directed the JCP to file his personal affidavit.

Chavan's June 25 reply said the incident occurred on Dec 11 around 4.30am at Servic.