It’s hard to predict when (or if) a cult favorite TV series will make the jump to widely adored, must-watch status. But anyone who invested early in HBO's dazzling and debauched high-stakes finance drama Industry is due big dividends once its upcoming third season premieres. Newcomers to the offices of Pierpoint & Co.

, meanwhile, will quickly discover why Industry was moved from its original Monday night timeslot to the hallowed Sunday night spot recently vacated by House of the Dragon. It’s a show of confidence matched by a third season that rarely pauses to take a breath amid new alliances, fractured relationships, and ruthless ambition in London's financial district – and adds a pair of familiar faces to the ensemble, to boot: Sunday-on-HBO MVPs Kit Harington and Sarah Goldberg. This is a world that continues to expand, reflecting the extravagant wealth on display, whether it’s a luxury yacht off the coast of Mallorca, a private jet en route to Switzerland, or a sprawling English estate.

As the list of glitzy locations grows, the sky continues to fall in on the protagonists, cutthroat professionals who removed their rose-tinted glasses long ago. I’m far from the first to note this, but Industry carries an unmistakable whiff of HBO's last slow-burn critical juggernaut, Succession . Both revolve around figures with elastic ethics and deep pockets.

But a similar penchant for unfiltered language, dark humor, daddy (and mommy) issues, and transactional relationships d.