One of the elements of Industry Season 3 that most intrigued Ken Leung was the brand-new dynamic between his character, Eric Tao, and Marisa Abela's Yasmin Kara-Hanani. "Before we shot anything, I was told that something would happen between Eric and Yasmin," Leung told Mashable in a video interview. "For everything that happens on the show, and things that I could imagine or predict, that kind of came out of nowhere.

Up until then, Eric has nothing to do with Yasmin, and suddenly they were going to come together in some way, so I was most curious about how that was going to happen." The catalyst for Eric and Yasmin's sudden proximity in Industry is none other than their shared connection to Harper Stern (Myha'la), Eric's former protégé and Yasmin's frenemy. When Eric fired Harper at the end of Season 2 , that left Pierpoint & Co.

with a huge seat to fill — and who else should fill it but Yasmin? However, it's clear right from the Season 3 premiere that Eric and Yasmin's relationship won't be anything like Eric and Harper's. He's unsympathetic towards her status as tabloid fodder and unimpressed by her performance. In his mind, Yasmin is devoid of Harper's drive and hunger, hampered by external forces that make her a liability to Pierpoint.

The difference between Harper's and Yasmin's respective backgrounds and approaches to work were key for Leung's understanding of how Eric would view Yasmin. "Harper is a known entity. The reason Eric is attracted to her is that he re.