It’s a new dawn and day, and betrayal is heavy in the air after Industry Season 3 Episode 7. The season’s penultimate installment threw everything at us, leaving fates hanging in the balance, significant changes on the horizon, and kept the foot on the gas. The financial game is purely savage, but so is the game of life.

When the Future is Always Uncertain, it Ups the Stakes We’ve already rejoiced over the news that Industry will return with a fourth season. But with a series like this that always stays on the fringes of mainstream, even in this critically acclaimed third season, it’s no surprise that the powers-that-be write like the ax could drop at any moment. If the season has done nothing, it has pushed Industry to the absolute limit, leaving it without barriers or safety nets.

There’s a certain freedom in just gunning ahead full blast towards a season finale that could blow all up and leave everything hanging in the balance. As a result, there’s a constant feeling that anything can happen at any moment. Nearly every installment has crammed a season’s worth of plot into an hour, barreling ahead at the speed of lightning like a coked-up Rishi at a casino and nothing (but everything) to lose.

It lends itself to an unpredictability that keeps the series exciting. You can never anticipate what’s to come next, and nothing (like Pierpoint) and no one (like literally all of our leading players) feels safe or certain. Industry keeps the audience on edge in that w.