After Industry Season 3 Episode 5, Robert Spearing may no longer be a company man. The hour strongly focused on the Pierpoint puppy, which came with some revelations that may impact his future moving forward. Yet Robert wasn’t alone in having some epiphanies about his future.

Many other characters also had to face the music and what the future of their world and Pierpoint had in store. Sending a Baby Lamb to Slaughter They did a whole dog-and-pony show, with a sham inquiry into Lumi, Pierpoint, and the government to unpack why the people had to foot the bill to bail Henry out. What makes Industry an intriguing series is how the primary characters, regardless of their motivations, are the sort of individuals that you shouldn’t want to see win.

Yet, as Robert sat there looking like Harry Potter after Pierpoint threw him to the wolves, you wanted the attack on him to stop regardless of whether those challenging him and the entire situation had a valid point. It’s grotesque that someone as powerful and privileged as Henry Muck could run amok, doing whatever his heart desired, running full steam ahead with passion projects that may be keeping him alive, and then evade accountability when it all goes tits up. We’ve watched all season as Robert deals with managing the billionaire toddler and all of his dramatics and whims while also juggling the comings and goings of everything Pierpoint.

Despite Eric’s supposed pep talk about being a relentless man and even sharing a room.