Regarding the challenges faced by actresses in the film industry, the Hema Committee report highlighted a response from a prominent actor, among others. The actor remarked that, in the past, women acted in films without raising complaints, and the issues faced today could be resolved with a bit of adjustment. This comment was reportedly made when discussing the difficulties actresses encounter concerning bathroom facilities and changing rooms.

The report further notes that while some men in the industry acknowledged the poor conditions women endure and agreed that changes are necessary, others, including the prominent actor, pointed out that women have been acting in films for decades without raising such concerns. They suggested that, historically, actresses adapted to their circumstances and managed by using nearby houses or other convenient locations for basic needs like using the bathroom or changing clothes. According to these men, the current issues are minor and can be addressed with a small degree of adjustment.

They downplayed the significance of problems like the lack of adequate bathroom facilities, implying that these concerns do not warrant serious attention..