M y heart overflows as I come to your beautiful country and to this historic ground. For many years, we had all heard of the beauty of Bangladesh. For many years, we had known about the agony you have suffered, and especially the fierce atrocities of last year.

The story of your journey through darkness has moved the hearts of people and brought tears to the eyes wherever people value the human spirit. I have come here today to pay homage to those millions who have sacrificed their lives and to the young and old who have borne arms to liberate their country. I salute the gallant men who have fought this battle, for it is their sacrifice and courage that has brought you freedom.

To the ten million, who had to leave their homes and seek shelter in our country, and the millions more who were forced out of their homes, and who today are starting a new life, I give my good wishes. ..

. Many attempts were made to silence the voice of Bangladesh, but owing to the efforts of the colleagues of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, whether they were in Mujibnagar or elsewhere, the true voice of Bangladesh was heard around the world. In course of time, the world attitude changed and everyone came to acknowledge that Bangladesh is a reality.

At the same time, gallant young men of the Student’s League and later of the Mukti Bahini, took up arms and resolved to lay down their lives if need be for their country. There is a saga of courage, of the flame of truth, the flame of justice. It is this flame whi.