Saturday, August 17, 2024 The ongoing instability in Bangladesh could lead to a 10-15 percent decrease in its medical tourists visiting India in 2024, according to CareEdge Ratings. Bangladesh contributes to 50-60 percent of India’s medical tourism sector. Due to the unrest, numerous travelers have either canceled or delayed their trips.

India’s appeal as a global hub for medical tourism is driven by its affordable treatment costs and exceptional quality of care. Bangladesh plays a significant role in India’s medical tourism industry, but the current instability in the country could result in a notable decrease in visitor numbers. According to CareEdge Ratings, if the unrest continues, the number of medical tourists from Bangladesh could drop by 10-15 percent in 2024.

Typically, Bangladesh contributes to 50-60 percent of India’s total international medical tourism. This substantial share highlights the importance of Bangladesh as a key source of medical tourists, and any decline in footfalls could have a significant impact on the industry. In a recent report, the rating agency highlights that a significant portion of medical tourists from Bangladesh and the Middle East have either canceled or delayed their planned visits to India.

This trend is concerning, given the critical role these regions play in driving India’s medical tourism sector. The ongoing instability in Bangladesh, in particular, is causing apprehension among travelers who might otherwise seek India’.