As someone who grew up hearing the full theme song every time my father received a phone call – as he’d frequently get caught up in the melody of his ringtone instead of actually answering – it’s safe to say the franchise holds a very special place in my heart. When given the opportunity to scope out a hands-off digital preview event for as part of Gamescom 2024, I was intrigued. Would it stack up to the legacy? Would Troy Baker’s dulcet tones feel enough? Would there be snakes? There’s surely got to be snakes, right? Now, I don’t want to jinx it, but I’m pretty happy with what I saw.

So far the answers to the above are: yes, yes, and surprisingly no...

But there’s still time. The developer-led preview featured a reasonably extensive gameplay preview, followed by a Q&A with game director Jerk Gustafsson and creative director Axel Torvenius. Set just after the events of , the game comes in swinging, with an array of puzzles, precious relics and perilous encounters that immediately feel evocative of the original films.

During the short snippet, we watched as the always rugged Indiana Jones ventured deep into quicksand-filled caves, donned disguises to evade enemies on missions (namely, a priest garb that would have fans feeling very happy), and liaised with a series of companions including Gina Lombardi – an Italian investigative journalist hunting down answers. Whipping the mechanics into shape While faithful to the energy of the source material (at least, .