New Zealand captain after winnings the first two Test matches in India feels that Team India doesn't have any chinks in its armour. The "Black Caps" under Tom Latham's captaincy registered a historic Test series win in India after winning the second Test match by 113 runs in Pune. Even though India's all-round struggles in the ongoing series have compounded their issues, there were some soothing words from the opposition camp, which has not put a foot wrong on this trip.

"India are a quality side, things obviously haven't gone the way they wanted over the last couple of weeks but it doesn't make them a bad team overnight," Tom Latham told reporters before New Zealand's training session here at the Wankhede Stadium. "They've got superstars from (Nos) 1 to 15 in their squad and we expect them to be in their best tomorrow and again a new challenge for both teams, a new surface." "I'm sure a surface that they know well and a ground that they know well, so I certainly don't think they have any chinks, they're a quality team and it's going to be another great battle," Latham added.

With New Zealand holding a 2-0 lead, there is also a possibility of handing India a clean sweep but Latham was not too excited about that prospect. "We've obviously done a lot of good stuff over the last couple of weeks but for us, every Test match you go (in with) the focus of trying to win key moments and not necessarily focusing on the result..

." "Obviously that's the byproduct of putting things toget.