Damien Gath, from Borrowash, pictured with his wife Amanda and the team that administered the treatment at Sherwood Forest Hospital (Image: Sherwood Forest Hospitals) Astonishing video footage released by NHS England reveals how an innovative new treatment for Parkinson's disease has remarkably improved a father's life. Derbyshire dad Damien Gath, 52, who has been fighting Parkinson's disease for over a decade, was struggling with severe involuntary movements that complicated simple daily tasks. Taking four different oral medications six times a day wasn't enough to prevent excruciating pain and sleepless nights caused by his condition dramatically worsening at night.

Damien turned a corner last week when he began treatment with an advanced infusion therapy known as Prouodopa, which is administered subcutaneously through a portable pump for those with late-stage Parkinson's disease. Following the infusion therapy, Damien experienced a transformative effect on his quality of life ; he exclaimed: "It's been extraordinary and life-changing just shortly after first having the treatment I was able to make a cup of coffee more easily and go to the supermarket." NHS England's Instagram account featured the heartwarming video, capturing the momentous improvement in Damien's ability to make a cup of tea, thanks to his wife Amanda's filming before and after the treatment.

Since its posting on Monday, August 5, the video has garnered over 91,000 likes, illustrating the profound impact t.