More than ever, Canadians are looking for answers to their bladder leaks questions. TORONTO , Aug. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Incontinence is often considered a taboo subject, which can lead to a lack of awareness and discussion.

TENA, the leader in hygiene and incontinence solutions is calling on the public to shift their perception to ensure better understanding of the subject and, above all, to break down preconceived ideas of who can experience incontinence. Bladder weakness, more common than you think Around the world, over 200 million people experience or have experienced incontinence. More common than you'd think, the symptom affects 1 in 5 people over the age of 35 in Canada *, whereas it's often mistakenly thought that it's uniquely older people who experience bladder weakness.

According to Google Trends, searches related to incontinence have increased by 500% in the last year alone. Most often, people searching for topics related to this condition are looking for educational content, followed by products, treatments, and preventative measures. When it comes to products and care, pads attract the most interest, with almost 30,000 searches per month in Canada .

Users are therefore looking for products that help them lead a normal life and feel confident. "In addition to opening the discussion, it's vital to offer high-quality products to ensure comfort for people living with incontinence", explains Hazel Villarreal , Marketing Director for TENA North America. "It's impor.