This year we have been quite lucky to date , already halfway through July and the real ‘scorchio’ season has only just kicked in. The big duvet came off months ago, but the evenings, until recently, have been decidedly cooler and devoid of those airless, insufferable temperatures which claim the island’s evenings until the early hours, when the sun rises once more, and the ‘calor’ cycle starts building all over again. Phew! Even the locals complain, so no need for the tourist trolls and serial commentators to get on board and suggest that wingeing Brits and ex-pats all go home.

Just saying! So, what’s to be done? Like EVERYONE living on the island, we simply manage those fiery months ahead, flick on the fans, and try to keep the air con to a minimum, because although we can’t live without it, living with constant air conditioning is not such a good idea in the health department! As July literally steams towards August, many island workers are already thinking about their traditional, summer break, when many businesses simply ‘shut shop’ for the hottest month and head to the coast. Yet fear not! Despite the heat and holiday fever, the island stays very much ‘alive’, with generic fiestas continuing to shine, focusing mainly on music and the arts, alongside acknowledging local fishermen and ancient island customs. Mallorcans love a fiesta in all its forms, along with any excuse to hit the town in party mode, regardless of the weather.

The beauty of ‘fiest.