NAME: Thomas Readett. OCCUPATION: Cellist and educator. RESIDENCE: Part-time NYC, part-time Mystic.

BORN, RAISED & GREW UP IN: Born in Basingstoke, England, raised and grew up in Mystic, right up the street from Port of Call. RIGHT NOW I’M IN THE MIDDLE OF: A master’s degree from Columbia Teachers College in music education as a Millman Fellow. MY PROUDEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: Playing Mendelssohn’s Octet at the Union Baptist Church with the American String Quartet.

(The final concert of our last season. I hope to make even more "proudest" accomplishments next season.) TOP ON MY BUCKET LIST: To win a major competition with my piano trio (consisting of Sila Senturk, Nini Giorgadze and me.

) I ALWAYS CARRY/WEAR: A cello, haha, and a pair of headphones. I just about always have some music playing in my ears. WHAT I WANTED TO BE WHEN I GREW UP : A cellist and, before I knew that was a career choice, a Pokémon trainer.

MY HEROES ARE: Richard Kosta/Fitch High School Track Coach. He changed my life; I would not be who I am today without him. He inspired me to do what I love and to do it well.

His compassion for each of his athletes inspires my teaching every day. FAVORITE AUTHORS: Tolkien, Maurice Sendak, Andy Weir, Jane Austen. But I thought this would be more fitting: FAVORITE COMPOSERS: Beethoven, Rachmaninov, Bach (some of the best composers for Cello and Quartet music, my love of classical chamber music is everywhere).

BOOKS ON MY NIGHT STAND: "Remarkably Bright Creatures" by .