Headlines National Ben Sales and Ron Kampeas In a speech about antisemitism, Donald Trump said Jews are facing a climate akin to the run-up to the Holocaust due to the actions of anti-Israel forces — and placed the blame squarely on his opponent while omitting any mention of antisemitism from the far right. “What’s going on now is exactly what was going on before the Holocaust,” Trump said in the speech Thursday evening at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, attended by some of his most prominent Jewish supporters. “Instead of aggressively confronting these venomous antisemites in her party, Kamala Harris has maneuvered for their support.

” The speech came as Trump, by his own admission, is trying to “define” Harris, the vice president and his Democratic opponent, as she is beginning to lead him in the polls nationally and in swing states. And it served as a rejoinder to years of accusations that Trump accepts support from far-right figures in his party and by his own conduct evokes the run-up to Hitler seizing power — a charge leveled at him in his last campaign by Jewish Democrats . In his speech, Trump repeated several of his most frequent claims, including a review of his actions on Israel as president — such as withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal and recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital — and complaints that most Jews in the United States vote for Democrats.

He also repeated his claim that Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel wouldn’t ha.