In our thoughts we find something powerful, the nature of positivity and its profound impact on our well-being. A positive thought has a unique quality. A grace that protects us from the traps of obsession.

Positive thoughts have an interesting characteristic, they are less likely to bother you all the time compared to negative thoughts. Unlike negative thinking which often seems to multiply and entwine us in a web of despair, positive thinking remains steadfast, satisfied with its unique existence. It is an undeniable reality that our minds as the architects of our experiences, have an immense influence on our physical selves.

A line of energy flows through us and negative thoughts disrupt this harmonious flow causing blockages that reverberate internally. Even conventional medicine recognizes the relationship between our prevailing mental state and our physical vitality, although with varying degrees of acceptance. Most people would agree that it’s better to have good thoughts than unpleasant ones.

Negative thoughts disrupt our energy flow and can inevitably stress us out. Think of the resonance within your own being when you are involved in stress or repetitive negative thoughts. The discomfort, the palpable reaction of your body.

It’s a testament to the delicate connection between mind and body, where disharmony disrupts the natural flow of the life force. Think of the times you were stuck in negative thoughts. How did your body react? It’s not usually a pleasant ex.