President Jimmy Carter has been in Hospice for over a year, but apparently, the Democrats have decided to invoke his campaign style. That's certainly a choice. “Jimmy Carter called American society a beautiful mosaic of all kinds of people.

You take a look at this ticket, this does this pretty well” – @BeschlossDC on NBC. pic.twitter.

com/gfAMmkPH69 It feels like Jimmy Carter's America and that is not a good thing. When you are invoking Jimmy Carter as a model in presidential campaigning, you've already lost..

. What would we do without MSNBC Historians? https://t.

co/OJWOrkPn6I All ten of their viewers would be devastated. Jeebus. Somebody tell him to take off the Apple Vision Pro before he gets in the tanning bed.

The tan is problematic. Trump absolutely broke Beschloss. He used to be a calm, measured historian and now he's like that screaming gal at Trump's inauguration.

There is so much Trump Derangement Syndrome. Does NBC just buy their libtard "historians" by the truckload or individually? The chattering class ain't what it used to be. Let's hope Beschloss has no role in the writing of history.

His bad wig is on too tight. It's quite the combo with the fake tan. Same economy as Carter too An old white guy from Minnesota is a beautiful mosaic? Don't forget Tim is 'folksy'.

Not sure why you'd want to connect Harris to Carter intentionally. Not picking somebody of Jewish faith bc progressives complained isn't very diverse A rich guy & a poor guy .