In a magical evocation on the first day of autumn, HORATIO CLARE says...

Get set for nature's end of year firework display! By Horatio Clare Published: 01:57, 22 September 2024 | Updated: 01:58, 22 September 2024 e-mail View comments Rain and storms were due today but this autumn is set to be one of the most ­beautiful seasons in many years. This is ever a spectacular time, with nature’s special effects at their vibrant best, but signs that the autumn of 2024, officially beginning today, would be ­special have been gathering all year. A record-breaking wet winter and spring, combined with high ­rainfall throughout the summer, and steady, high ­temperatures, have swelled the foliage and thickened the growth.

Stroll in the country now and you can see and feel everything, from small gilded grasses to the mightiest oaks, burgeoning. This is a world in ripeness and a ­flood-tide of a harvest. The hedges and woods are ablaze with blackberries, rowan berries, apples and scarlet hawthorn.

Rain and storms were due today but this autumn is set to be one of the most ­beautiful seasons in many years. This is ever a spectacular time, with nature’s special effects at their vibrant best, but signs that the autumn of 2024, officially beginning today, would be ­special have been gathering all year A spectacular at the start of September was predicted by ecologists at Forestry England and so it has come to pass –nature’s own end-of-year firework display. The trees’ gunpowders .