India celebrates the National Sports Day every year on August 29 in honour of Major Dhyan Chand, one of the greatest hockey players. As we are approaching the National Sports Day, we need to create awareness about the relevance of sports in life. Ayurveda is something that can be utilised to bring out the best in our athletes.

Ayurveda has always put forward that deha (the body) and manas (the mind) exist together. The two substratum of disease is deha and manas. The affliction with one over a period would have the manifestation in the other.

Hence, taking active part in sports is a method for disease prevention too. The dincharya (the daily regiment) as ascribed by ayurveda mentions getting up early in the morning, engaging in needful exercises after proper excretion. It is followed by undergoing abhyanga (oil application over head and body).

The rules of dietetics like having nutritious and easily digestable food would pave way for improved physical and mental agility. Practices of Kalari (the martial art) was always accompanied by various massage techniques being practiticed by trainers to improve specific muscle group strengthening. Regular oil application helps to ease the continuous physical strain.

That is why abhyangam is included under dinacharya which means to be a part of daily regiment. Every day abhyangam for 15-30 minutes before bath will improve endurance and agility of muscles. Yearly purification of biotoxins through panchakarma would definitely improve the s.