Kolkata, Jul 28 (PTI) Amid the ongoing impasse over technicians' refusal to work under a film director, the West Bengal Motion Pictures Artists Forum on Sunday offered to mediate for ending the impasse. Voicing apprehension that the boycott of the director by technicians and protests by other directors may snowball into a major crisis affecting shoots of films, serials, web series in Bengali film industry, forum president and veteran actor Ranjit Mallick and secretary Santilal Mukherjee requested all sides to sit for talks immediately and thrash out the differences. "Any disruption of shooting will affect actors, directors, technicians, producers - every stakeholder in the industry - which will do not good.

"We therefore call upon every side to sit for talks for the interest of industry and iron out differences. If required the artist's forum can mediate to resolve the issue. Let's not allow the situation to snowball into a major crisis that will only affect everyone in the industry as well as the audiences," the forum said.

The forum, the apex body of actors in the entertainment industry in Bengal, also stressed nothing should be done which will tantamount to showing its respect to anyone including directors. On Saturday, despite the clean chit given to film maker Rahool Mukherjee by the Directors' Guild allowing him to work as creative producer in an upcoming film, no technician turned up at a Kolkata studio on the first day of shooting of the movie produced by a big produc.